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What is Green House Gases – It’s causes and effects

What is Green House Gases – It’s causes and effects: Today we will discuss about an important topic. You all must be familiar with the hazardous pollution in the world. . Due to this pollution and several other reasons many harmful gases are increasing in our environment. Today, we will talk about Green House Gases

What is called Green House Gases?

“Green House Gases are those gases which absorb the heat in the atmosphere, letting the sunlight to reach the Earth’s surface, due to which Earth’s surface remains warm.”

Due to an increase in the Green House Gases, many changes have occurred in our atmosphere’s temperature due to which Global Warming has started. If we didn’t reduce the emission of these Green House Gases soon then our atmosphere can get damaged severely. Let’s discuss about What is Green House Gases – It’s causes and effects.

What is Green House Effect?

Green House Effect is that process in which Earth’s thermal radiation is absorbed by atmospheric Green House Gases and then is re-radiated in every direction. When Green House Gases evenly distribute these absorbed radiations, only then the temperature of Earth remains balanced to sustain life. By this, you must have understood the importance of Green House Gases. This is an overview about the Green House Gases. Now we will discuss, in our atmosphere which all Green House Gases are present. But before that, I would like to ask a question. If you know the answer to this question, do reply your answer in the comment section of this article.

Out of these, which one is not a Green House Gas?

A.) Gasoline

B.) Water Vapour

C.) Methane

D.) CO2

You will get to know the answer in this article.

What are Green House Gases?

Let’s understand what are Green house Gases. Primary Green House Gases that exist in our environment are Water Vapor, Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide and Ozone. In our atmosphere, Carbon Dioxide comes from burning fossil fuels like natural coal, oil and natural gases Apart from this, burning solid waste, trees and wood also causes some chemical reactions due to which Carbon Dioxide is emitted. Carbon Dioxide or CO2 is reduced from our atmosphere when plants absorb CO2 according to their natural biological carbon cycle and emit Oxygen. Similarly, when coal, oil or any natural gas is produced; methane is emitted. Whenever any agricultural or industrial activity takes place and in that process fossil fuel or solid waste is burned, Nitrous Oxide gets emitted. There are many other Green House Gases such as Hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulfur hexafluoride, and nitrogen trifluoride which are produced due to industrial activities. These Fluorinated gases, sometimes, are used as substitutes for Ozone Depleting Substances.

How Green House Gases affects our atmosphere?

Now let’s understand how the rapidly increasing quantity of Green House Gases affects our atmosphere. Green House Gases, like a blanket, save the surface of Earth from Infra Red Rays. Due to these Green House Gases, the average temperature of our atmosphere could remain at 15 degree Celcius. If these gases do not exist in our atmosphere, then the temperature of our atmosphere will go to approximately -18 degree Celsius, at which temperature survival is not possible. For your information, Mars and Titan also have Green House Gases. Now that we know that an increase in the Green House Gases is affecting our atmosphere severely, it is necessary that it should be controlled. By controlling pollution, TV, AC and appliances like Refrigerator, microwave that produce radiations should be used less in order to reduce the emission of Green House Gases. As much as possible, we need to plant trees and preserve greenery. So this was a little information about Green House Gases and Green House Effect. How did you find this article, do let us know in the comments below of this article. 

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