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Class 10 NCERT English Solutions – AMANDA

Summery of Class 10 NCERT English Solutions – AMANDA ? This poem depicts the state of a little girl’s mind who is constantly instructed about do’s and don’ts by her elders. She is told not to hunch her shoulders and to sit up straight. She is told to end her homework and tidy her room. The chocolate that Amanda has is forbidden to eat. But all the time, the small girl Amanda keeps dreaming of a lifetime of freedom within the open. She dreams of mermaids within the sea, of roaming barefoot within the dusty street and of the golden-haired Rapunzel who lived alone in the high tower. She takes no note of what’s being said to her. As she is moody and sulking in each time, she is rebuked for this. Here the students will get the class 10 ncert English solutions for the lesion Amanda.


Class 10 NCERT English –AMANDA কবিতাটোৰ অসমীয়া সাৰাংশঃ


Class 10 NCERT English Solutions – AMANDA কবিতাটোৰ অসমীয়া সাৰাংশ তলত দিয়া হ’ল-

প্রত্যেক শিশুৱে অনুভৱ কৰে যে তাক/তাইক অনুশাসন কৰি ৰখা হয় আৰু এইটো নকৰিবলৈ, সেইটো নকৰিবলৈ কোৱা হয়। তুমিও হয়তু ভাবিছা যে তোমাৰ স্বাধীনতা খর্ব কৰা হৈছে। তুমি লিখা, তুমি কৰিব খোজা কেইটামান কাম তোমাৰ মা-দেউতা নাইবা জ্যেষ্ঠসকলে কৰিবলৈ নিদিয়ে।


Class 10 NCERT English ৰ আমাণ্ডা কবিতাৰ মূল কথা-


তোমাৰ নখবিলাক নাকামুৰিবা, আমাণ্ডা। তোমাৰ কান্ধখন কুঁজা নকৰিবা, আমাণ্ডা। তেনেদৰে হালি বেঁকাকৈ বহা বন্ধ কৰা আৰু পোন হৈ বহা, আমাণ্ডা।

তাত এখন সেউজীয়া বৰণৰ কোমল সাগৰৰ টৌ আছে, য’ত একমাত্র বাসিন্দা কেৱল মই এজনী মৎস কন্যাই আনন্দমনে ধীৰে ধীৰে চলাচল কৰি খেলো।

তুমি তোমাৰ গৃহকার্য শেষ কৰিলানে, আমাণ্ডা? তুমি তোমাৰ কোঠালিটো পৰিষ্কাৰ কৰিছিলানে আমাণ্ডা? মই ভাবিছিলোঁ, মই তোমাক তোমাৰ জোতাবোৰ পৰিষ্কাৰ কৰিবলৈ কৈছিলোঁ, আমাণ্ডা।

মই হৈছো এক অনাথ, পথত ঘূৰি ফুৰোঁ। মই মোৰ নীৰৱে খালী ভৰিৰে কোমল বালিত চানেকি সাজো, নীৰৱতা হৈছে সোণালী, স্বাধীনতা হৈছে মধুৰ।

সেইটো চকলেট নাখাবা আমাণ্ডা, তোমাৰ শালমইনাবোৰৰ কথা মনত ৰাখিবা, আমাণ্ডা। মই যেতিয়া তোমাক কৈ থাকো, অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি তুমি মোৰ ফালে চাবানে, আমাণ্ডা।

মই ৰেপুনজেল, মই খাতিৰ নকৰো, এক দুর্গত জীৱন পাৰ কৰাটো বৰ অসাধাৰণ আৰু শান্তিপূর্ণ, মই মোৰ উজ্বল চুলি নিশ্চয়কৈ কেতিয়াও তললৈ ননমাওঁ। সেই ক্ষুব্ধতা বন্ধ কৰা আমাণ্ডা। তুমি সদায় ইমান খঙাল হৈ থাকা আমাণ্ডা। কোনোবাই হয়তো ভাবিব পাৰে যে মই তোমাৰ দোষেই বিচাৰি আছো আমাণ্ডা।


Here we are providing the complete solution of Class 10 NCERT English.  Study these questions and answers thoroughly to get better marks in your examination.

Q. 1 What is the age of Amanda as your view? How do you know this?

Answer: Amanda is must be about 11 – 12 years old. She is a school going girl. The things that her mother scolds her for are all typical instructions given to a  11 or 12 year old girl.

Q.2 Who do you think is Speaking to her/Amanda?

Answer: Amanda’s mother is speaking to her/Amanda.

Q.3 Why are Stanzas 2, 4, and 6 given in parenthesis?

Answer: The Stanzas 2, 4, and 6 are given in parenthesis because they are the thoughts of the child in between the instructions that she is being given in stanzas 1, 3, and 5. The scolding’s by the mother are placed in alternate stanzas by the poet. 

Q.4 Who is that the speaker in stanzas 2,4 and 6 ? Do you think this speaker is taking note of the speaker in stanzas?

Answer: It is Amanda who speaks in stanza no 2, 4, and 6. No, she isn’t taking note of her mother who is that the speaker in stanzas 1, 3, and 5 she is lost in her own dreams and doesn’t hear what’s being said to her.

Q.5 What could Amanda do if she were a mermaid?

Answer: If Amanda were an imaginary being, then she would drift slowly on a lackadaisical emerald ocean. She would be the only inhabitant of the relaxed green sea and would crawl thereon.

Q.6 Is Amanda an orphan? Why does she say so?

Answer: No, Amanda is not an orphan. She says so because she wants to be alone. She wants to roam around in the street alone and pattern dust with her bare feet. She finds silence ‘golden’ and freedom ‘sweet’. Therefore she calls herself an orphan.

Q.7 Does one understand the story of Rapunzel? Why will she wish to be Rapunzel ?

Answer: She desires to be Rapunzel as a result of her desire to live alone. Rapunzel lived alone throughout a tall tower and had long, stunning hair. She was command captive by her grandparent, her grandmother came up with the tower by ascent her long hair. The girl additionally desires to live alone throughout a tower as she would not have to be compelled to care regarding something as life throughout a tower would be tranquil, peaceful, and rare. However, she additionally determined that she would never throw down her hair for anyone to come up as she needed to live alone invariably.

আপুনি যদি আমাৰ এই Class 10 NCERT English Solutions পঢ়ি ভাল পাইছে তেন্তে আমাৰ ‘নিউজলেটাৰ চাবস্ক্রাইব’ কৰক। নতুবা আমাৰ ‘ফেচবুক পৃষ্ঠা’ অনুসৰণ কৰক বা আমাৰ “ইউটিউব চেনেল চাবস্ক্রাইব’ কৰক ।

Q.8 What will the girl yearn for? What will this verse form tell you regarding Amanda?

Answer: The woman yearns for a period of time of freedom, The verse form tells that she is a clever woman and is systematically nagged by her unimaginative parent.

Q.9 Read the last stanza. Do you believe Amanda is sulking and is moody?

Answer: No, Amanda is not sulking and moody. She wants her freedom. She desires to travel out and play wherever she likes.

Additional questions and answers

Q.10 Who wrote the poem, “Amanda”?

Answer: Robin Klein wrote the poem “Amanda”.

Q.11 Who is Amanda? How old is she?

Answer: Amanda was a young school-going girl. She was in her ten or eleven age.

Q.12 What about her homework is asked by the speaker?

Answer : The speaker enquired about the homework completed or not.

Q.13 How is Amanda asked to sit?

Answer: Amanda is asked to sit straight without slouching.

Q.14 What does the speaker ask Amanda to clean?

Answer: Amanda was asked to clean her shoes by the speaker.

Q.15 Who lives in a languid emerald sea?

Answer: A mermaid lives in a languid emerald sea

Q.16 Where does the orphan roam?

Answer : The orphan roams in the street.

Q.17 Is Amanda really an orphan?

Answer : Amanda was not really an orphan. She only imagines herself to be an orphan.

Q.18 What type of girl is Amanda as mentioned in the final stanza?

Answer: In the final stanza we found that Amanda is a moody type of girl.

Q.19 What was Amanda asked to remember?

Answer : Amanda was asked to remember her acne.

Q.20 How are silence and freedom?

Answer : Silence is golden. Freedom is sweet.

Q.21 How is life in a tower?

Answer : Life in a tower is tranquil and rare.

Q.22 Who was Rapunzel?

Answer : Rapunzel was a princess, with long hair which the witch used to climb up the tower where Rapunzel was held captive.

Q.23 Why is Amanda asked not to have chocolates?

Answer: Amanda is asked not to have chocolates because of her acne.

Q.24 What does Amanda yearn for?

Answer: Amanda yearns for freedom of living her life in her own way.

Q.25 What does Amanda like to bite?

Answer: Amanda likes to bite her nails.

Q.26 How does a mermaid move?

Answer: A mermaid blissfully drifts on a languid emerald sea.

Q.27 Give the meaning of the following words – hunch, slouching, drifting, roaming, hushed, tranquil, nagged.

Answer : Hunch- to raise

            Slouching – bending

            Drifting – moving slowly

            Roaming- wandering /purposively moving about

            Hushed – silent

            Tranquil- relaxed, calm

            Nagged- disturbed

আপুনি যদি আমাৰ এই Class 10 NCERT English Solutions পঢ়ি ভাল পাইছে তেন্তে আমাৰ ‘নিউজলেটাৰ চাবস্ক্রাইব’ কৰক। নতুবা আমাৰ ‘ফেচবুক পৃষ্ঠা’ অনুসৰণ কৰক বা আমাৰ “ইউটিউব চেনেল চাবস্ক্রাইব’ কৰক ।

Q.28 What is the central idea of the poem ‘Amanda.”

Answer: The poem Amanda points out at very important facts of life. Amanda is a young child. Her parents interfere in each and everything in his life .The child is not happy with the continuous nagging. The parents seem to take away the liberty of a child by making him do what he never wishes to do.

Q. 29 What picture of Amanda do you form from the poem ‘Amanda’?

Answer: Amanda is a little school going girl. She is constantly nagged by her parent. It is probably the mother. She keeps asking Amanda sometimes do and sometimes do not do things. But poor Amanda wants to be free and live her life in her own way.

Q. 30 How is Amanda sitting and behaving as given in the first stanza? What does the speaker ask her to do and why?

Answer: Amanda is sitting not in a normal way. She is biting her nails. She is raising her shoulders. She is sitting awkwardly. These postures are not normal. These are not tolerated by the speaker. So she is asked to behave properly.

Q.31 Do you think Amanda’s mother is a nagging women? How do you know?

Answer: Amanda’s mother is, no doubt, a nagging women .She keeps instructing to do not do one thing or another. Amanda is asked not to bite her nails or bend her shoulders. She is asked not to slouch and sit up straight. She is instructed not to eat chocolate.

Q.32 What does Amanda long to do at the sea?

Answer: Amanda wants to be the sole inhabitant of the sea. She wants to be as free as a mermaid. She wants to be a mermaid so that she could drift joyfully with the gentle waves of sea.

Q.33 Why does Amanda Want to be Rapunzel?

Answer: Rapunzel lived alone in a tall tower. There was no one to nag him all time. Amanda thinks that Rapunzel’s life must be very peaceful and wonderful. That is why she wants to be Rapunzel.

Q.34  Why does Amanda wish to be a mermaid, an orphan, or Rapunzel ?

Answer: Amanda yearns for freedom. She is fed up with her nagging mother who keeps instructing her not to do one or another thing .She wishes to be a mermaid so that she could glide over the surface of the sea. She further wishes to be an orphan so that she could roam about the street leisurely. She wants to be Rapunzel so that she could live a peaceful and wonderful live in a tall tower.

Q.35 Do you know the story of Rapunzel? Write briefly.

Answer. Rapunzel was a beautiful golden-haired girl. Her hair was very long. A witch had put her in a tall tower. A prince saw her and fell crazy together with her. Rapunzel let her hair down and the prince climbed up with them. The witch was very angry. She left Rapunzel alone in the desert. The prince at last found her and married her.

Q.36 Why will Amanda want to be Rapunzel?

Answer: Amanda desires to steer a tranquil and rare life during a tower-like Rapunzel did.

Moreover, she has excessive like for her bright hair like Rapunzel. thus she desires to be Rapunzel.

আপুনি যদি আমাৰ এই Class 10 NCERT English Solutions পঢ়ি ভাল পাইছে তেন্তে আমাৰ ‘নিউজলেটাৰ চাবস্ক্রাইব’ কৰক। নতুবা আমাৰ ‘ফেচবুক পৃষ্ঠা’ অনুসৰণ কৰক বা আমাৰ “ইউটিউব চেনেল চাবস্ক্রাইব’ কৰক ।

Q.37 Is Amanda an orphan? Why does she say so?

Answer: No, Amanda isn’t an orphan. She says so because she imagines herself as an orphan and needs to steer a carefree life a bit like orphans do.

Q.38 How does Amanda feel about cleanliness?

Answer: Amanda may be a girl who loves cleanliness. She remarks that she isn’t an orphan who is wandering aimlessly within the street. Also, she isn’t among them who move with bare feet and make patterns with the soft dust.

Q.39 What does the girl yearn for? What information you get about Amanda from the poem?

Answer: Amanda yearns for freedom. The poem tells about Amanda’s life led under continuous control and restrictions. She wishes that she had been an orphan shows that there had been no one to nag her. Then she could move about freely and play where she liked.

Q.40 What does Amanda want to prove by saying ‘I am Rapunzel’? What does she promise not to do?

Answer: Amanda wants to prove that she is actually living like Rapunzel. She lives in a tall tower and she is free and loves silence. There life is peaceful and carefree, yet rare and tranquil. She promises never too disappointed with her bright hair. She would be a good person.

Q.41 What does the poem ‘Amanda’ tell you about Amanda?

Answer: Amanda is a school going girl. She has typical traits of a child, like biting her nails, hunching her shoulders and slouching. She is a careless girl. She loves to eat chocolate. She is moody. When her mother is instructing her not to do one thing or another, she is lost in the world of her dreams. She wants to enjoy a carefree life.

Q.42 “There is a languid, emerald sea,

      Where the sole inhabitant is me –

      A mermaid, drifting blissfully.”

a) Name the poet and the poem.

Answer: The name of the poet is Robin Klein and the poem is “Amanda”.

b) What does Amanda think herself as mentioned?

Answer: Amanda thinks herself as a mermaid.

Q.43 In the poem  “I am an orphan, roaming the street.”

a) Who is an orphan here?

Answer: Amanda imagines herself to be an orphan and is not really one.

b)What does she herself doing while roaming on the streets?

Answer: Amanda sees herself roaming on the streets and making patterns with dust using her bare feet. She imagines herself to be enjoying the silence and her freedom.

c) What is a home for orphans called?

Answer: A home is for orphans called Orphanage.

Q.44  In the poem “Don’t eat that chocolate, Amanda.

       Remember your acne, Amanda

      Will you please look at me when I’m speaking to you,  

       Amanda ?

a) Who is the speaker here?

Answer: The speaker here is probably Amanda’s mother.

b) Why is Amanda asked not to eat chocolate?

Answer: Amanda is asked not to eat chocolate because of her acne.

Q.45 In the poem “I am Rapunzel, I have not a care;

 Life in a tower is tranquil and rare;

 I’ll ……………………. my bright hair”

a) Who is ‘I’ referred to here?

Answer: The ‘I’ referred to here is Amanda.

b) Why does the speaker want to be Rapunzel?

Answer: Amanda wants to lead a tranquil and rare life in a tower-like Rapunzel did. Moreover, she has excessive like for her bright hair like Rapunzel. So she wants to be Rapunzel.

Here we provided the complete solution of class 10 ncert English lesion Amanda. If you want to get more Class 10 NCERT English Solutions , subscribe our newsletter to get regular update. You can also follow us in Facebook Page or you can subscribe our YouTube Channel also.

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